I shall be demoing this year, the first time for a while.. Did I say I was nervous?
If you can't make Ally Pally, we will be at Artisan (workshops available)in Leamington Spa the weekend after , and at Happy Stampers in Port Sunlight ( my favourite show) the weekend after that. After that I shall just fall asleep! All the show details are on the website
Okay I know you are bored now by my waffling, so here is the 2nd sneak peek
Suddenly this looks a bit bizarre, but don't worry all will be revealed in 4 days.....
Happy Guessing

a dogs tail or maybe a reindeers tail?
Snowmans nose !!
I think its a cows head,
My son said a fairy,from Hayden
Cows head came to mind.Hope your shows go well. Anesha :-)
Jennie these are so hard to identify!!! I agree with Paula, I think it looks like a dogs tail
Ok I thought it looked like a branch of a tree???? Hazelxox
Hmmm, a BIT bizarre!! It's totally bizarre, I haven't a clue, great fun though to try and guess. I'm gonna go for apron strings cos it's the first thing that came into my head! Looking forward to the grand unveiling :)
Back end of an ainimal, dog or reindeer probably.
Think it is dogs tail! Hugs,moni
two leaves.....
or going really wild, handlebar and wing mirror of something like a scooter?
I am not going to say what I thought it was cos I wouldn't want to lower the tone *ROFL*
A bird perched on something.
I agree with Hels..... but apart from that a reindeers tail. Enjoy the show.
I think it maybe a reindeers head! xx
I also thought reindeer tail when I first saw it lol maybe part of a branch of a christmas tree? it's coming up to that time of year xx
I'd love to be able to come to Ally Pally, but, unfortunately, won't be able to - hope it goes well x
An animal's horn? BTW, lol Thanks for the giggle Hels! hahhaa
A sheep
Maybe a reindeer's antler?
Will miss Ally Pally..... but not too much as I will be lying on a sunlounger in sunny (I hope!!LOL) Cyprus!
Have a great weekend.....
I also think its a dogs tail but lots of people have already guessed that....so could it be a reindeers tail?
A bit bizarre Jennie - I was thinking a lot bizarre *LOL*
It's all getting very exciting :0)
I wish I could go to Ally Pally, have a chance in Nov for the knitting and stitching show, not sure how much card stuff will be there.
Cazzy x
well it looks like a piece of bunting to me...the triangle being a flag?? lol
Darned if I know !!! But have a wonderful time at the show, would Love to see you demo, but a bit far to travel from the U.S
This is difficult but I expect someone is already right so my wild guess is a dragon!
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