I know some of you are perplexed by the previews, but this one is easy ( isn't it?) , so get the name right and the first one to comment correctly wins it! I have to confess I have never previewed stamps before , so this is a new one on me, what do you think? Is it a good idea or not? let me know please. Good luck to all who guess and don't forget to guess the number of stamps too.. you can have as many guesses as you like...
Have a great day

Hmmmm now Jennie you say this is easy but i'm not so sure, it could be leaded window or it could be fish net stockings other than that i have no idea and probably wrong anyway lol as for reviewing stamps i think its a brill idea xx
chicken wire?
Chicken Wire I think !
This reminds me of the pattern on the poirot (sad clown) suit,
Oh my what? Something Harlequin? Erm how many.... 7?
Stop teasing me!
Wire fence? Can't wait to see what it is. Anesha
Like Chris Tarrant always says 'it's easy when you know the answer'! They have me perplexed! (scratches head again!) I'nm going to guess on teh number and say 10 and it could be wire fencing - but probably not - maybe macrame! xx
A diamond background stamp? VERY difficult these are!!! LOL. Looking forward to seeing them,can't imagine what they are.Good idea to keep us guessing though.
It came to me in the middle of night, It is a bird cage? I might get some sleep after friday.
looks like chicken wire to me.
What a fab idea, Jennie. I'm going with 6 and a Christmas stocking or part of Santa's sleigh!!!
My first thought was a wire fence but i love Shaz's guess of fish net stockings lol
as for how many.. oh ermmmmm lets say 13!
All the things I thought have already been guessed....so I won't be the first!
How many stamps? I'll take a guess at 15
I think this is a fence, so I'll say "don't fence me in?" and maybe 17
mmm it could be something related with a windows?
I guess 12 stamps!! wow thats to much lol!
FIngers crossed :P !!
I'll go where no one has gone before (gah, I'll have to throw my hubby's Star Treks out the door...) and say you'll be releasing Christmas stamps, 7 pieces and this is Santa's sack!
Oh yea, a bit out there this time :D Just because one of the previews reminded me of a sledge (tuesday's).
Is it nearly Friday yet?
Another tricky one!
I reckon it is part os a stained glass window.
Previewing the stamps like this is a great idea. I reeeeallly want to know what they are know, it's also been alot of fun playing the guessing game :) Next week won't be quite the same.
mmmm I can see that it looks like a wired fence or maybe a leaded window pane, but I'm also swaying to the idea that it is matchstick people linking arms, but I'm probably being ridiculous! I guess at 9
Carolands x
I know I am off but this peek reminds me of a chain link fence. Maybe this stamp is a backyard scene.
A chain link fence?
I like the sneak peeks.
Hugs, Christine
chicken wire fence?
What are we all going to do now? Missing it already. Thanks for the fun
Yes it's a great idea Jennie :)
Anne x
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