I missed last week's WOYWW over on Julia's blog, so this week I am making up for it with 2 pics, one of my desk which has several bits of ongoing artwork on it, and a picture of the state of my mind! Oh sorry that should say picture of my drawers!
Not not that kind! This drawer is part of my unit built for me by Stig of the Crafting world, and has a brilliant drawer with divisions. Well, the story goes that I thought I would put it all together, and put it away in the new unit , and then fill it up with all the bits lying around. So everything goes in there ( at one time neatly!), and Stig comes home, and says , ever so nicely, did you know you have put all the divisions in upside down!!! OOOPS! Now it will be a bit of a mission to remove them all, so they have stayed like this, so if you want to come over to mine and tidy it up , please send a postcard! I think the desk isn't too bad for me, and there are several ongoing pieces of work on it!
Thank you Julia for the opportunity to show off my mess! Back tomorrow with some gifts for those snowed in, which at the moment we only have a light covering, but I have been assured this will change! Time for the snow shoes to be brought out!

Your drawers are crying out for a goold old rummage! :D :D (Sorry, couldn't resist!!) So much going on though, lots to see.
What an impressive selection of 'things'. I don't expect that I know what half of them are and much less what to do with them, but from the look of your blog you obviously do!
Wonderful things!
I enjoyed my visit!
To busy laughing at myself I ruined my own smuttiness! Ha well, you know what I meant ;)
Looks like there is some interesting project on the go from the desk of Jennie!
I'll be right over, should only take me 16 hrs or so by plane if it dosen't snow! LOL. Oh you'd have it clean by then? o.k next time! Really dosen't look that bad.
especially compared to mine right now. LOL
Oh I thought that sort of thing only happened to me after Mr D has carefully and thoughtfully made me something to 'help' me be tidy - totally get why you haven't changed them around! You have some real intersting things going on...I'm guessing that the butterfly biscuit cutter isn't, likemine, because you've been baking with it, and I love the fact that the holdall/tidy bag on the right corner is, um, empty! I don't wanna come tidy up though, I like it as it is.
That worktop looks just like mine does when I'm knee deep in ideas. Love the divided drawer!
I think your drawer looks very organised with all the little dividers, mine are much more untidy, I just open and hope what I want is on top! Hugs Pam
My desk is messier than yours and I have spread out into the living room :)
I love looking at your desk photos makes me feel positively tidy lol that'll be the day ju x
Your desk looks all creative and busy - had to enlarge the picture so I could get a really good nosey at your stamps! What's wrong with your drawers anyway - I find good strong elastic helps!
Well I would come, but I am snowed in and would have to lie on the floor while I did it because of my back. Ian would have to take time of work to bring me. So all in all, not this week love, sorry. But I am impressed as to how tidy your desk is. x
I have been meaning to make some storage solutions for my room for ages and never got round to it ! My working area gets smaller by the week and I seem to find loads of stuff I forgot about all the time. I thinks I moan but really like the randomness of what I will actually find when I begin the hunt for something I know I have in my stash !
tut tut ! what are you like ? lol at carmens comment ! what can i say that has'nt been said ! lol
I love storage solutions! Not having any good ones of my own I thoroughly enjoy looking at other people's - even if they are upside down!
Made me LOL hun...thought you were going to be showing us your pants when you said your drawers ROFL...as for putting them in upside down...it works...I wouldn't change them..think of all that hard work wasted filling them up already!
Happy Birthday to you chuck..hope you have the best day...eat loadsa cake and drink lotsa wine :O))
Hugs x
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