Monday, February 15, 2010

One World, One Heart- comments now closed

It is that time again! I cannot believe how quickly the last year has gone by! But it is ONE WORLD ONE HEART time again! I took part in this amazing blog hop/giveaway last year and there were 911 participants from all over the world.
Lisa does an amazing job with this just co-ordinating everyone and adding them to a list. I am proud to take part. I have several things to give away, including a copy of my book which I wrote in 1996! eek that long ago! So to WIN one of these goodies, all you have to do is post a comment on this post which will stay at the top of the blog till the end date of February 15th. The more comments I get the more goodies I shall add to this magic carpet ride!
Pop over to One World One Heart to see all the magic carpet riders, and have the best fun visiting everyone's homes!
Good luck in the draw!
Happy Creating!


1 – 200 of 228   Newer›   Newest»
cockney blonde said...

Lovely selection of goodies. Please consider me for your draw, I'm new to this blogging malarkey adn still finding my feet, x

Sarah Anderson said...

1996? It's a history book ;) Sorry Jennie, couldn't resist that one! Hope you've having a fab fab time at CHA. Love your texturey start pieces, and your fab 'willeze' in a tin!

whyducks said...

Cor a book writer too! Is there no end to you talents! Hope you are managing to have some fun while you are away.

Lynn Stevens said...

hey Jennie ,.how are you doing this clear from Ca? LOL. The magic of the net! please enter me in your drawing and hope your having a blast at CHA.

Ramona said...

Hi Jennie,

Please enter me in the draw, I would love your book and goodies! And be sure to stop by to enter my One World One Heart drawing too!

Ramona :-)

Claireabelle said...

Fab goodies Jennie, I didnt know you'd written a book you dark horse you!

Kathy Eddy said...

Wow, what a generous gift. Please add my name to the draw. Kathy Eddy

Marie said...

How fabulous! Love to be entered and nice to meet you!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge OWOH necklace giveaway!

Magic Moonlight said...

How pretty !! Great giveaway! Please sign me!

Irene said...

Please enter me in your very clever draw, love your post. I'll be asking some blogging questions soon.

Donna said...

Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Jingle said...

What a fun giveaway! How cool that you WROTE that book that you are giving! That's pretty awesome!

Cariena said...

Hello Jennie!!! i am so excited to meet you! i have to admit - in 1996 i don't think i even KNEW what a stamp looked like, BUT i would LOVE to get my hands on that book!! it has to be a classic!! also love your work!

bockel24 said...

I´m a stamper, too, and I´d love to win! Hope you´ll hop over to my blog to see my own giveaways!

Mrs Minimalist said...

Great! please count me in and come and see my giveaway

Lori said...

Love the little tin, is that a geico or gecko? lol. Lovely stuff, Jennie, I would love to take those off your hands!

Astrid Maclean said...

What a great giveaway, please count me in and if you have time and have not yet done so,come and visit mine (#154)
Greetings from bonny Scotland

Lisa said...

OOh, lovely giveaway! I love your blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Please enter me :)

Unknown said...

WOW!! This is SUCH AN AMAZING and generous giveaway! Who wouldn't love such blog prizes! This is soo much good stuff! Please add my name into your wonderful giveaway!

So nice to meet you!

Zan ~

You can also visit my giveaways on:

Healing Woman said...

Thankyou for the very nice post. I am hoping to win one of your prizes.
Stop by to see me at Magic Carpet Ride #33

funkycrafter said...

what a nice bunch of goodies. must look at more of your blog before i hop on. very interesting. funkycrafteratgmaildotcom

D Q said...

Great giveaway. I would love to be entered.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have to tell you, I probably need that book more than anyone, since my stamping skills are the worst around. I love everything, though.

carylsrealm said...

Wonderful! I'd love to be included! :)

Stitchety Grub said...

I would love to be included come see my giveaway too (#75)

Nela said...

I would love to participate:D

Heavens2Betsy said...

Hi Jennie. Great gifts in the blog hop. Hope CHA is buzzing. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you post. Thanks for the chance to enter.

crafty creations said...

Fantastic prizes Jennie - please enter me in your draw

xx Hilda

Debby said...

Awesome giveaway, would love to be entered in your draw.

Kit said...

Great giveway! Please enter me in your drawing and pop over to enter mine. Happy Travels.

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

awesome giveaway Jennie! Thanks for the chance to win .
x Natasha x

Anonymous said...

Cool giveaway Jennie!
Count me in!
eyeleeeen at optonline dot net
And visit my blog; I'm #156 on this magic carpet ride, and I think you'll like my jewelry.
Oh, and I'll be out of the country and away from the internet from 2/14 to 2/20, so if I am lucky enough to win, PLEASE wait for me to claim my prize! PRETTY PLEASE!!! (LOL)

Jodaeodesign said...

How wonderful please enter me in your drawing.

Ksenia said...

Greetings from Moldova!
Gorgeous giveaway!!!!love your book and goodies!
OWOH #138

Sid said...

Please enter me Jennie, lovely textural pieces too !

DVArtist said...

I do like your blog and the selection of items for your giveaway. Please count me in.

#350 on the magic carpet ride

Sherry said...

Thanks for the chance Jennie.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway I would be delighted to win

AlwaysInspired said...

Wonderful giveaway! Please enter me!
Please hop on my mgaic carpet ride too. Enter my giveaway at

Candy said...

Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
OWOH #473

Caitlin said...

How awesome! :)


Ann said...

Fabulous goodies Jennie - I'd love to win, please count me in :D And please pop over to my blog for my OWOH giveaway!! xx

Karen said...

I would love to be entered into your fraw please Jennie :)

Lululiz said...

I could really do with some good instructions on rubber stamping. I have only just bought my first couple of stamps.

Digital Misfit said...

Wonderful giveaway!
Your treasures look amazing, and I could definitely use a book on rubber stamping. I have recently become enamored with papercrafting, so stamping is big on my list!
Thank you for hopping on this magic carpet ride, and I hope to see you on my blog #258 on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada

danit said...

Wow, what great giveaways. Please count me in.

Julie Ann said...

What awesome prizes!! I'd love to be entered in your drawing :)

SharDon Exclusives said...

It is so delightful to find new blogs on this Magic Carpet Ride. I hope you are having as much fun as I am in my travels. Please enter my name in your giveaway and stop by (#52) to enter my beaded bracelet giveaway.
Enjoy your ride,

Carapace said...

Wow! I'm just getting into the wonderful world of stamping and multimedia art-- you're clearly worth an inspiration or two!
But I fear you, like me, may be underestimating the POWAH of OWOH-- there's a lot of comments comin' in, here!
Glad you joined the flight!
OWOH Ticket Holder #21

Nishant said...

Love your texturey start pieces, and your fab 'willeze' in a tin!

Work from home India

Joanne said...

I haven't seen your book Jennie but would love to. Just off for a hop! x

Marie said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on the magic carpet!

Linda . J said...

Wow Jen I did not know you had wrote a book how fab. Please enter me for the draw I would love to win this.
Hugs Linda

manda said...

You have to let me have that lizard tin!!! I own lizards! So it's perfect!! Oh, yes, I own REAL lizards. 4 of them, all native Australian lizards, all different species! I bet you don't get that in another comment! :D
Fingers crossed!!!

julietk said...

I enjoyed my visit on OWOH
please enter me in your draw.

Martina said...

What a great prize, Jennie!
I`m happy to have a chance of winning you wonderful giveaway.
Please visit mine as well (I´m number 17 !!!)
Thanks and best wishes
MARTINA from Stuttgart/Germany

Shazza said...

wow Jennie great prize would love to win. I'm 631 on the list if you want to pop by

Donna said...

Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don't have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Sounds like fun! Something new to me! Please enter my name and visit my blog to enter my giveaway! ♥

LYNDY WARD said...

Greetings & Salutations,
Fabulous OWOH Giveaways!
Wow, if I win will you sign your book for me?
I would be honored...
Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward

P.S. I bet I have more stash then you, LOL...

Ellen said...

hello Jennie, enjoying yourself at the CHA?? do come back with lots of HIS goodies please
please count me in for your lovely gifts

Mendy said...

Oh I LOVE all the goodies you are offering!! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! count me in, xo Mendy

martha brown said...

I would love to win one of your stamped creations -- or your book :)Please enter me into the draw! Thank you!

Francine Cronos said...

Wonderful items. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway.

HippieDog said...

Please count me in.....nice to meet you!

Holly said...

Wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Susan said...

Hello! Cool give away. Pop on over to my blog and say hello :0)

Jacque Heaton said...

Thank you for offering this giveaway. What fun. Please enter me.

CreativSpirit said...

Hi Jennie,

I would love to be the lucky winner of your book and goodies. I am addicted to rubber stamps too. :)

I'm having so much fun exploring all the beautiful and varied blogs, great to visit with you and I'll be back to have a better look around when I have some more time.
I am stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please stop on by for a visit and enter in my draw.

pinkglitterfae said...

this is exciting! thanks for adding me to your giveaway, and stop by my blog if you get the chance, I am
# 650 on the magic carpet


Cherry Pie said...

Hello fellow stamp maker!
Nice to meet you!
Come see me too #757

Unknown said...

What a wonderful array of your artwork - some lucky winners are going to be very very happy

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Excellent, what a great giveaway! Please enter my name! I hope you will drop by my blog (#431 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

Chris said...

Count me in for your fab giveaway and do pop by my blog for a chance to win one of my goodies too.
chris xx

Pelusa said...

Great giveaway!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Greetings from Barcelona.

My blog:

My email:

peggy aplSEEDS said...

thank you for the chance to win your book and other goodies. i hope you can come by and visit my blog at

Susan said...

Great blog, Very cool giveaways :)

I'm your newest follower :)

I am new to blogging (blog being built) but not to art. I hope you will include me in this wonderful giveaway!

Best of luck to all your visitors :)

Greetings from the New Jersey Shore,USA

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing. What a great mix of great stuff.

Thank you for hosting this giveaway & please come by mine @ #99 if you haven't already.

Erin Glee said...

Great goodie up from a great blogger! Thanks for a chance to win a book by an expert!

Anonymous said...

Please include me....

Take care,

Unknown said...

How wonderful...please sign me up..Im at 485 if you would like to visit...

Smiles...and time goes by when your having fun is all.

Anita said...

Awesome goodies!

WW said...

Great prizes.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What an exciting giveaway...and a book of yours too! Please include me in your giveaway and be sure to come on over and enter mine!

#185 A Vintage Cottage Home!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

WOW! Who cares how long ago it was written. YOU WROTE A BOOK!!!! How fabulous and congratulations on starting AND finishing. I'm 211 on the magic carpet, please visit.

Sam said...

oooh I like me some rubber stamping!! (as evidenced by my card making hobby!) I'd love to pick up a few more techniques from your book!

Cath Ü said...

Count me in
Cath Ü #640

Gina said...

I've decided this is like making your Christmas list. Just reach for the sky and hope for the best! Your goodies look like a fun time if they were to come my way!

Nan Nix said...

I would love to take a magic carpet ride with all these wonderful goodies! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Grace Wong said...

great giveaway, I'd love to win!

arlette said...

I love books.... and the other goodies you're giving away!

Marie S said...

A wonderful giveaway, please put me in the drawing.
Thank you so much for participating in OWOH.
It is so very nice to meet you.

crafty creations said...

I wouls so love to win the book - I have a little collection of books going on and yours would enhance it nicely

Sherrie said...

Greetings from Maine. How perfect to offer your book, a real personal touch. Please count me in.

Bibi said...

This is gorgeous! Please include me. And I'm going to check out how you made those awesome flowers too :)

Susan said...

What a delightful stop on the magic carpet ride - thank you! Please enter me in the giveaway for your book. I am having a blast getting to know a little something about my fellow bloggers. Warmest regards, Susan

Please visit me at my blog #775 on the magic carpet ride. :)

Unknown said...

greetings from vermont usa
please sign me up for your drawing
thanks for sharing

Anji Gallanos said...

Would love a chance to win

Thanks so much


Paperfanatic said...

OOOH I love your stuff, please count me in, my blog is

Amy said...

I'm just starting to get into stamping. I wish I had started sooner, but I thought it was all old lady stuff. Clearly, it's not! Thank you so much for your giveaway!

Amy, OWOH #680/681

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win, its lovely. Trianna from Victoria Canada.

Rachelxx said...

Fabby goodies as usual Jennie :-) Is there no end to your amazing talents? Thanks for the chance to win.

calej said...

I like book giveaways so much! My offering is also my book!

I hope you can also drop by #615!


loralai said...

OK Now I'm gonna be her all day browsing your ever-so-interesting Blog! Oh Well its Sunday! Thanks for the chance, #601 on the Ride.

Megan Chamberlain said...

Lovely giveaway, I would love to be the lucky recipient.

SannaS said...

What a fab candy! =)
Hugs, SannaS

crystal said...

Hello I have been enjoying your fun blog and think that your giveaway items are perfect for anybody creative!!
I am looking forward to visiting again ;)
Cheers from Cleveland,Ohio USA


Tumbleweed Trails said...

Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing!

Anna Brookman said...

please add my name to your draw.
and why not enter mine?

angelandspot said...

What lovely items.

Everyday Kathy said...

I'd love to win!
Thanks for a fun stop on my magic carpet ride!
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
#111 on the blog hop

Anonymous said...

Please enter me too for these fabulous goodies! Good luck everyone :)

Just Jenn Designz said...

Oh wow, what wonderful gifts! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi fJenne, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the book and goodies. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gift. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


narutopenguingirl said...

Hi! I hope I can win your book! Anything to help me stamp better :)

Alice Regan said...

Count me in! What a beautiful giveaway! I'm having so much fun traveling the world on the Magic Carpet. I'm in awe of all the wonderful and talented people.
If you haven't already, pop on over to #395. That's me.

Nancy Markosky said...

Time flies doesn't it? Seems like just yesterday I had babies and now they are young men. I would love to win a copy of your book from 1996- that wasn't that long ago-only 14 years :) I hope you are having as much fun as I am checking out all these creative blogs.

Valerie Bishop said...

I'd love to win your book - such an awesome prize to giveaway!! Thanks for the chance!

Gerrie Johnnic said...

It's me, Queen of Grunge, the one that pushed you out of line at the Product Preformers booth at CHA! lol..........thanks for taking the time to chat, it was a pleasure meeting you! Count me in for these FAB pieces GF, huggerz

Shelly Schmidt said...

Lovely blog- I do not have that book-new or old I love books- and great projects.

Carol said...

Fablulous prizes, hope I win.

Chrissy's Creations said...

My daughter was born in '96. Hope it will bring me luck, haha Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs, Christine

Sandi said...

Great giveaway!!

Indiana, USA

Anonymous said...

Thanks for offering this great giveaway and Thanks so much for a chance to win!
OWOH: my-art-blog #797
Berlin, Germany

Kathy L said...

Oh yes...Would love to win! I started my art journey as a rubber stamper and still love it!

Rusted Wings said...

Lovely offering!
Drop by & visit me #774!

Pixiewinkle said...

I would love a copy of your book. Please count me in. Enjoy your magic carpet ride! #276

Janeyc49 said...

oooh yes please - what a lovely selection of goodies. Would love to be entered on your list.

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

Great goodies! Please enter my name in your drawing. And be sure to stop by #389 for my giveaway.

Janet Lee said...

This book looks like it would be a great resource.
Count me in please

Antonella said...

I am having so much fun riding the magic carpet, hope you are too! So happy to meet you and love your giveaway. A copy of your book (we'll forget how long ago), please enter my name and stop by #234 when you get a chance.
Hugs, Antonella :-)

Unknown said...

sounds like a brilliant idea please count me in. Christine x

Anonymous said...

ohhhhh your book! would love to win...luv your art work! u are very generous...and talented...good luck to all! cher
hilly77 at comcast dot net

Tester Mari said...

I love stamps and would really love to have your book too!

Have a great day!

marilavado (at)

Jennifer said...

Wow- thanks for the chance to win!

Rich Witch said...


Please count me in!


Rich Witch

Please visit my Blog for a Magical prize:

Connie said...

Hi Jennie!

Love your blog and your giveaway! Please count me in.

I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.

Hope to see you there!

mrscmc7 at gmail dot com

SusanLotus said...

I love your giveaways! I´m a beginner in stamping and scrapping so if I win your book I´ll be luckiest person in the world! ;D
The other gifts are awesome as well!
Come and visit my blog too and join my giveaway lottery :)
Kind regards
Susan from Sweden, nr 821

cathy said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I think I may have seen your book before, but don't own it.

rush8888 said...

wasn't 1996 just yesterday? i love your altered tin...a lizzard in a box.

Chriss Rollins said...

Hi Please add me to your fab give away

I yahood mount board and arrived here even without the magic carpet.


chriss x

Unknown said...

Cool! Please stop by my blog at:

Thespa McLaughlin said...

This is so neat! Love your blog!

Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Throw my name in the hat because I think you have inspired me to start incorporating more ink stampimg into my jewelry!
I hope you are having as much fun as I am flying around to everyone's blog. If you haven't yet stopped by, come give the necklace a look that I'm giving away!
OWOH #894

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! Please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity.

Jasmine said...

Pleased to meet you Jennie. i have only just discovered the delights of stamping. Someone gave me an alphabet and i have been using it to write poetry o natural paper to recover old packaging oxes ever since. So much fun!

Nanbon44 said...

I want the book,,, looks like a good one,,, love your work, please enter my name in the drawing #649

RR said...

What lovely things. Thanks for the chance.

VintageCrafter said...

What a lovely selection of goodies you are giving away so generously! I would love to have my name added to your ever growing list of hopefuls:) Thanks so much for the chance to be "lucky".

Mia J. said...

I would really like to learn more about stamping so would really like to read your book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Inge Bungart said...

Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

What great giveaway gifts. I've always felt I needed more than just some ink and a stamp...would love to learn all the different and diverse ways to stamp.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ozlynda said...

Hi Jennie from Victoria, Australia.
Such a good selection of goodies.
I would be thrilled to win any of these.
Please enter me into the draw.

Micki said...

I love rubber stamping and would so love to win your book! I am into all kinds of paper crafting and scrapbooking. I am now getting into the Cricut Expression.

Damla said...

Great! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! I hope I win:) Long live OWOH!

annabell_lee_dk (at)

Anonymous said...

How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Tanya said...

Thank you for such lovely giveaways, would love a chance to win
Tanya #828

Unknown said...

Dropped by to wish everyone who enters Good Luck, I was the lucky winner last year and know what a thrill it was to win

A welcome awaits you at my blog

OWOH #82

Heavenly Anarchist said...

Great giveaways Jennie

baukje said...

Please put me in the hat, jennie.

June said...

Ohhhh I would love to win your book Jennie and the other goodies,sending big hugs your way
hugs June xxx

Deborah Ann said...

Greetings from Wisconsin. I would LOVE to win these cute little stamping goodies! Stop by my blog for my giveaway too, if you haven't already. Well, I'm off on my magic carpet to the next dream destination. Happy Dreams!

Heavenly Humor #922
Debby (hugs)

Maple Ridge Vintage said...

love it!!! please come see me too, I am #886 on the "ride"

s hyler said...

I would love to be entered in your wonderful drawing.

Tracy said...

Please include me in your wonderful giveaway.

Amy said...

I have NO IDEA if I entered your drawing, but I don't want to miss it!

Nicks said...

How remiss of me Jennie I haven't popped on to say hello!

Please hop over and see me @
OWOH my gift!

Anonymous said...

My first class 10 years ago, was using that rubber stamp of the sun and I've been looking for it ever since! Please count me in, I've lost my mojo lol bluemoonbyniteatyahoodotcom

Team Tesla said...

Great give away! Please Add me.

Linda B said...

pick me pick me! lol :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be in with a chance of winning one of those fab goodies Jennie! xx

JivesJools said...

Beautiful work here. Very creative! and what a fantastic giveaway! Please count me in...and pop over to my place to check out my giveaway! Hope your havin a great weekend!

Isn't this such a wonderful event!

Much love

Peggy said...

Beautiful lovely goodies! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

Sue Young said...

thanks for the chance to win one of these great giveaways!Gotta love them all!Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni,

Great stash giveaways! Thanks for your kindness. I don't have a blog yet, but need to sort that out I think!

Lynn Wild

Lisa W. said...

Please enter my name! :0)
I am #1025, would love for you to stop by.

Gail said...

Count me in please, come over for a visit at #977

LethargicLass said...

Wow, some great things you have :)

Flor Larios Art said...

Great goodies! Thank you and please come to my blog and participate in my giveaway!
Good luck to both of us!
Flor #626

Carol said...

Please count me in, fantastic giveaway.


Sherri Auld said...

Thanks for offering the goodies for OWOH
sherri1515 @

EvalinaMaria said...

Hello from the north of 60! I hope you are enjoying your ride on the magic carpet as much as I do. I love your prize, please throw my name in the hat.

CathyH said...

Great giveaway and a pleasure to meet you!!
With love from Tennessee, U.S.A. #1035

Unknown said...

Your artwork is beautiful. Would love to win your prize!

nologic said...

You are so talented. I have had fun looking around your blog. Please enter me in your drawing.

sharon said...

These are all lovely, thanks for the chance and visit me if you can#794!

Unknown said...

love your stamping - wow! you are so talented

misaacmom at gmail dot com
#752 OWOH ticket holder
Unites States

Leslie said...

Great giveaways!!

yona c. riel said...

what sweet giveaways... hope i win one.. failing that perhaps you will win mine.. #929 yona

Electra said...

This is a beautiful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

I hope you can stop by my blog here

Gaby Bee said...

What a generous giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes!

Elsina said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Grace said...

Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. What a fun blog to visit on the magic carpet. Thank you for sharing!


Beate Knappe said...

how wonderful, please put me in and go to my blog # 718

Ginny said...

Great group of giveaway items!

janil said...

Wonderful prize!!!Please pick me up!

cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Joaniebolognie said...

OH how awesome are those stamps! And your book would be awesome to have for a reference! Thanks for the chance! Grab your carpet and stop by my blog for some scrappin goodies! #792

Jona Panesa said...

awesome giveaways!!! Please enter me in your drawing and stop by my blog for my ATC giveaway!

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