I have made some wonderful friends through this, and seen some gorgeous tags worldwide! I am absolutely positive that I have not seen them all, so this post is for you to tell your friends to come and visit me, and show me their tags! I said tags!! lol
I thought, it being Christmas, and the season of goodwill to all men, and women, of course, that I would give away blog candy! Tim's blog candy to be exact!
This was quite difficult to work out, as I wanted to give away to as many people as I could who had done the tags, be it one or the twelve, so I have
12 giveaways, and they will all be chosen after Christmas. So, if you have made any tags, be it the complete twelve or just one in Tim style , you can enter. To have a 2nd entry, post the link to this on your blog too, (don't forget to comment to let me know).
You have until December 30th midnight to email me a pic or post a comment with a link, to be able to enter. You do not have to have a blog either!
I hope I have chosen goodies you will like (in fact I know I have!)
We will choose the winners by Random integer on New Year's Eve.
This is open to anyone worldwide, so get out your inks, stamps and tags, if you haven't done so already and CREATE!
Happy Tag Creating!

This is fantastic. Here is the post of my first 3 tags.
Oh my goodness, the blog candy is AWESOME!!!! I want to win! I am in the ATT group, dont you just love it???? I have posted 5 of my tags on my blog, I am including the link. I only have 1 more to make and then I will picture all 12 of them together. Thanks for the chance to win. I am going to post this on my blog as well.
Hugs from the beach!
Dawn in MB, SC
I forgot my blog link- I know Im a crazy crafter.... :)
Here it is
I have done all 12 tags on my blog and linked your candy too! You said we wouldn't want to miss today's blog post!
I can't get all of them on one scan though and don't have a digital camera.... hope I can still play.
Oh you are so kind and generous - I haven't been around to join in the tag making but I have been following -and will get on 'the case' and have a go. Might have to improvise with the stamps though!
wowww cool candy! who would not want to win??
i am up to tag 10 and tomorrow 11 and 12 will be up on my blog sometime in the afternoon. you know my blog lol! http://tanyawatts.blogspot.com/2009/12/blog-candy-over-on-artistic-stamper.html i put a link to your candy and here you can see my tags
love tanya x
Hi!! This is great!! Thanks so much for the chance! I've completed the tags, made mine every day, had SO MUCH FUN, you can see them by clicking my name. (there are 12 posts just of the tags, keep scrolling down.. =) Also linked this fab candy on my sidebar.
Hugs, SannaS
oh hun what fantastic candy,I am just about to post this on my blog,on my side bar this is my link for the awesome candy thanks so much hun hugs cheryl xxxxx
What a great idea, Jennie...although I have not been able to participate this time around....good luck to all who enter...can't wait to get around and see more of the creativity!
I too have shared in Tim's tag adventure and, like you, spent each day making a tag and then wondering what tomorrow would bring. I've also decided that I am only buying Tim's products for a while because I want it all!!! Please check out my blog for all my tags,
How incredibly Generous of you Jennie! Like you I did all 12 tags!
yes exhausting. Heres my link. Trash to Treasure Art I will post about this on my sidebar. Congrats for getting all yours done too, You do awesome work!
Very generous hun...I made ALL 12 plus 3 of my own...and I can show you the tags in the real ... so does that qualify me for candy grabbing then? ROFL SYT x
Hello Jeanie,
I think Tim's not just inspiring for making tags , but also for his give-aways :)
I made 7 tags from the 12, but haven't posted about them yet ( lack of time...), but I send you an email with some photos of my tags.
thanks for the chance to win some craftstuff !
greetings from belgium
Wow! Jennie that is Supercalitagulistic candy!! LOL
As you know I've played along here is the direct link to all 12 of my tags. Posted the link on my side bar already...thanks for the chance to win such generous candy.
Hi all
I also had a fabulous time making Tim's tags each day. Sorry it's ended but now I have more techniques for my repertoire. BIG GRIN
Here's a link to my day 12 all the other tags are subsequently below this tag. Enjoy
PS great blog candy :-)
And here's the link on my blog too
for a 2nd chance at winning. BIG GRIN
I love your take on Tim's tag's!
You are so generous with all the lovely blog candy - hope I have a chance in winning:)
I've done all 12 and so enjoyed doing them - on my blog here
This is gonna sound silly - but not commenting to win the candy, just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration, I hope everyone else enjoyed the tags as much as I did XXX
What a fun thing!!! Your tags are all wonderful!!! So far I've only gotten a few of the 12 done but am planning to do the rest. Thanks for the chance to win some candy.
What a sweetie pie you are to offer such wonderful prizes...yes, I want to enter...so just check out my blog for the photos of Tim's Tags I made.
I love winning, even if it is just a stamp...
Thanks soo much, Kathy
Wow! Talk about blog candy!!
I, too, am in ATT & have finished all 12 of the 2009 tags - and have started on the "more" I need to make for Christmas gifts. My 12 tags are all on my blog: http://whatsnextnancy.blogspot.com
I've e-mailed you a photo of my tag collection, and I just added a link to your blog giveaway on my blog:
!2 Tags Blog Candy
This is sooooo in the spirit of Tim. Thank you fora chance to win tagtastic blogcandy! I have posted a link on my blog to yours and I made all the twelve tags!
They are all posted on my blog.
hugs! Linda van Viet
WOW Jennie fab candy and all very useful and no cute - fantastic!!!
As you know I managed to complete all 12 tags and I've also put a thread on my blog all about your giveaway in the hope of having a 2nd bash to win one of those fabulous prizes up for grabs
So you can see all my tags here
What fun! I posted a link to your blog on mine.
Here is mine:
thanks, stamping sue
Loving everyone's tags- LOVE Tim!!
What a great giveaway! Thanks!
Jennie, that's an amazing number of prizes! I'm looking forward to the links people leave so I can go and nosy at their tags :)
Fab idea :)
What wonderful blog candy! I have had a good time working on Tim's tags this year. I still have tag #9 to do but I will be linking your site to mine. Thank you so much for your kind comments.
Wow, what a sweet generous girl you are. You are really in the holiday spirit! I have finished posting all 12 on my blog now and am heading back to put a link to your blog now. I want to win some of your Timiliscious candy! Kathy Eddy
Wow!! You are so generous - what a great giveaway!!! Here is the link to my blog - I've done a few of them and I am working on the rest - just waiting for some items that I ordered to be sent!
Looks like fun. I need to get making me some tags too :)
Hi what a wonderful Idear I did all 12 so much fun and was worth taking the time to do them as now I can see them all together in their lushesness lol and so can you too just click Here xx
Love Dawn xx
Oh I have put a link on my blog to Only just notice the candy wow it would be wonderful to win some
Here xx is my link again to my tags thank you
Love Dawn xx
Hi Jennie - Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such lovely comments on my Tim tags! Wasn't it a blast to create all 12...although it was exhausting! LOL! Your creations are just beautiful! I saw them on SCS!! I did indeed create all 12 and they can be seen on my blog at http://paperiepetals.blogspot.com And many thanks for offering such amazing blog candy!!
as part of the ATT group, I truly intended to do all 12 tags, but alas, it was sooooo challenging that I only did 1 (and not a good one.) I did do another tag but not a 12 Days tag; I did it for a Christmas swap..
Here's the links!
I created another project with Tim's Day 12 as inspiration.
Loads of comments. Why am I not surprised! This is th e link to mine here
I have also added the new/link on my side panel.
What a nice and generous way to end the 12 Tags adventure. Yes, I too awoke early and did a tag and posted it the same day. Phew! All of my tags are on my blog and in the 12 Tags album on ATT as well.
Thanks for doing this!
Blog: http://artsaveslives-paperqueen.blogspot.com/
Mail: eyeleeeen@optonline.net
I have blogged one. Only one, unfortunately. Pathetic I know! I am loving the tags, though,
Lucy www.truecolours.blogspot.com
Ok, I'm letting you know, it's on my blog! Thanks for the opportunity, especially from across the pond!
Only two of Tim's Tags but they can be seen on my blog - just love those roses.
Oh, how fun to stumble across your blog via Lori's and to see all of your T!m inspired tags.
I wasn't lucky enough to win during the big 12 days so maybe I'll be luckier after Christmas.
You can find all 12 of my tags on my blog:
Vintage Figments
Thanks for the chance to win some fab candy Jennie. My tags are all here
Have posted a link now Jennie :)
Anne x
Hiya jennie and what amazing candy you have so generously provided for this years Tims Tags - a great way to finish the year off - thank you - hope I win :):):)I NEED all those products
My first set of tags are HERE
Off to put link in my sidebar now
My favourite kind of candy Jennie! I've still got 4 to make, but the first 8 tags are on my blog. Off to put a link up over there now! xx
My favourite kind of candy Jennie! I've still got 4 to make, but the first 8 tags are on my blog. Off to put a link up over there now! xx
Fantastic giveaway! I made all 12 tags for the first time this year, and had so much fun - it was sad to have it finish! Looking at other blogs and seeing what others have done has made the fun of the 12 Tags last even longer. You can see my versions in 4 posts on my blog http://pennybennington.blogspot.com/ and I also posted a link back to your site about your giveaway.
i have made 10 of the 12 so far and posted a variety on my blog,
I have a post to your contest and a few more tag pictures set to autopost on 12/18/09, so you can check it out there!
Well, let me try this again, this time with a link, perhaps? LOL Thanks for the opportunity, Jennie!
Oh what fun I've had today - I've now completed numbers 5 - 8 - you can see them
Thanks for looking.
I have had to improvise a lot Jennie so really need one of the prizes :):):) lol
Love your blog, and I've put a link on the side of my blog www.flutterbycrafter.blogspot.com
What a generous giveaway.My tag is in my JYC album here
My last 4 are now on my blog
Thanks for looking
Thanks for the opportunity - what fantastic blog candy!
I'm another addict and made all 12 tags - here's the link to my blog, http://sherrysimpleblog.blogspot.com/
I've also put a link to your blog in a post on my blog and your blog candy picture in my sidebar.
I'm off to have a look at some of the other tags now!
This is wonderful Tim Candy you are offering. I've only managed one tag so far which was Tag 7 which you can see here.
Thank you for the fantastic chance to win some goodies!
My tags are on my blog at http://sm3wkl.blogspot.com/2009/12/12-tags-recap.html
Happy Holidays!
Yay, i made tags.. ok so there not tims crimbo ones but they are timmy ones non the less and will be showing on my blog all this week starting Here today :)
Ooooh, what a lovely Blog Candy offer. I have linked a post on my blog to your candy HERE and here is a link to My Tags. Thank you for looking.xx
Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas & Happy crafting. Gez.
Wow, what a good idea! I only take one tag but I hope it will be more until 30th Dez.
hi, i already put the pic on my sidebar.
plz visit here
Fabulous candy thanks for the chance to win all these lovely goodies. , I have added your candy to my sidebar with a link back to you. I have become a follower.
Amazing giveaway! Here are my cards/tags based on Tim's 12 tags. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
This is my second entry 'cause I've put a link in my sidebar .
Only really did one tag in the style, here it is:
I managed two tags in Tim's style, and there are two links on my blog to your fantastic site. I am also a follower
Thank you for the chance to enter such a fantastically generous blog candy draw.
Here's the link to the tags with the earlier link included
wow it's beautiful!!!!! sorry I do not speak English nella traduzione non ho capito bene se è obbligatorio per partecipare aver creato un tag, ma io li ho conosciuti solo tramite il tuo blog, ma mi faceva piacere farti della pubblicità indipendentemente dalla partecipazione quindi sei su
http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/2009/12/theartisticstamper.html un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
fammi sapere se partecipo grazie!!!
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